May 20, 2024 Monday Istanbul airport Turkish Airlines was king in Istanbul, so we got a tunnel at a gate from which to exit. We didn’t need to pick...
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Fly to Addis, day room at Jupiter Hotel, depart to the Addis Ababa airport at 9 pm, and a flight to Istanbul at midnight.
May 19, 2024, Sunday We planned to go home on Sunday—we were all ready to be home. Unfortunately, we had to travel a long distance. Surprisingly, we...
Boat ride on Lake Tana, hike to Ura Kidane Mehret Monastery, Blue Nile with hippos, farewell briefing and dinner
May 18, 2024 Saturday This was our last day of actual sightseeing. We met in the restaurant at 8:30 a.m. instead of the lobby because our conveyance...
Drive to Bahir Dar, controversial topics, Bahir Dar market for raw coffee beans
May 17, 2024 Friday Farewell to Gondar We left early for our four-hour drive from Gondar to Bahir Dar, which took us from the mountains to the...
Overland to Gondar, Becky’s class, 4-Sisters’ Restaurant, downtown Gondar, and Debre Birhan Selassie Church
May 16, 2924 Thursday Farewell to the Simien Mountains We left the Limolima Lodge this morning with great appreciation for the location and the...
Full day wildlife trek in the Simien Mountains
May 15, 2024 Wednesday The official description of the day The O.A.T. booklet described the day as follows: Morning: Set off on a full-day wildlife...

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