Evie Hope Peek, my granddaughter, my daughter’s daughter, died on Tuesday evening, December 20, 2022. She was born on March 8, 2017, with a...
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Injured companion, a hike, and a raft ride. Full day!
"Error, error" Do you remember an original Star Trek episode, called The Changling? (I had to look the title up. I didn’t remember the name of it,...
Have you ever walked on a glacier?
Day 5 July 8, 2022, Friday, Talkeetna John and I met our little group of intrepid adventurers outside of the Talkeetna Alaskan Lodge after breakfast...
Squid Acres Kennel and Alaska Railroad Dome Car
Day 4 July 7, 2022, Thursday To my readers: This post is long and I dithered a lot about whether to split it or not. Let me know if you liked it...
Cloyd and so many animals: Denali bus tour
Day 3 July 6, 2022, Wednesday afternoon After a refreshing nap, we were back up at the parking lot bus stop by 1:10 p.m. as instructed. The sky was...
Denali Visitors’ Center and McKinley Station Trail
Day 3 July 6, 2022, Wednesday a.m. We had breakfast at the Denali Bluffs Hotel, not the Denali Lodge. I was grateful to not have the long walk up...

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Here you will find posts about the adventures I am taking and anything else that I think you might find interesting. Please leave comment on a blog post and let me know you have visited.